Local Impacts & Environmental Benefits

Local Impacts

The Project will help bolster the local economy by providing reliable revenues to project landowners and the host communities, including the Towns of Columbia and Litchfield, Herkimer County and local school districts.  As currently proposed, the Project would contribute the following economic benefits to the region: 

  • Approximately $30 million in direct payments to the Towns of Columbia, Winfield and Litchfield, Herkimer County, and local school districts in the first 20 years of operation will be proposed through a combination of a payment in lieu of taxes and property tax payments. 
  • Approximately 300 jobs at the peak of construction. 
  • Three to four full-time highly skilled jobs during the 35+ year operating life of the Project. 
  • Opportunities possible for local businesses including in the hospitality, material supply, and construction services sectors during construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning project phases. 
  • The Facility will safely generate enough clean, renewable electricity to power more than 80,000 New York households. 
Public Health and Environmental Stewardship

At each of our projects in New York State, we strive to do our absolute best to positively impact all aspects of society, from protecting and preserving lands and historic communities, to uplifting the residents of communities with educational opportunities, workforce development opportunities, and collaborative partnerships whenever possible. 

For over 35 years, EDF Renewables has dedicated its efforts to creating a sustainable energy economy. We’ve done that by building and operating solar and wind energy generating projects across North America. 

What helps to define us is our commitment to the communities in which we operate. At the core of every EDF Renewables project is sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Our CSR efforts do not happen in isolation. They are part of our corporate DNA. We believe that the world of energy is changing, and customers are becoming more involved in all aspects of the business. Transparency and stakeholder engagement are an integral part of the process. As a responsible electricity company that champions low-carbon growth, we have adopted a number of CSR goals that reflect our commitment to working closely with our customers and the communities in which we operate. 

  • When constructed, the Columbia Solar and Storage Project will recycle construction waste to the maximum extent practicable. Any waste generated during operation, including components that are repaired or replaced, will be recycled or otherwise disposed of at an appropriate facility and in accordance with federal and state laws.  
    • The Facility will not release any waste into the environment during operations. 
  • Since the PV panel materials are enclosed and do not mix with water or vaporize into the air, these materials are not released into the environment during normal use (NYSERDA, 2022). Similarly, decommissioned PV panels and equipment will not pose a health or safety risk when disposed of properly. 
    • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (2022) “Frequently Asked Questions, Model Solar Energy Local Law.” Available here
  • Construction Best Management Practices such as Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) will be utilized to place underground collection lines to protect New York State surface waters. 
  • Construction Best Management Practices will meet the criteria set forth by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for storm water discharges associated with construction activity.
    • The NYSDEC standards and specifications provide criteria for minimizing erosion and sediment impacts from construction activity involving soil disturbance. They show how to use soil, water, plants, and products to protect the quality of our environment. 
  • Our project will include a Site Security Plan and Safety Response Plan developed with input from local first responders.  
    • The Plan will address safety and emergency contingencies and cyber security and will be provided to the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. 
  • In general, solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities are not known to pose any significant health dangers to the public at large, or to properties in the vicinity of facilities. Our project will assess how to best avoid and minimize these impacts through Facility design and planning. 
Environmental Benefits

Renewable energy facilities such as the proposed Columbia Solar and Storage Project offer significant environmental, public health, and community benefits, and will aid the State in transitioning from carbon-emitting electric generation, which has negative impacts on wildlife, birds, and human health, toward a carbon-free energy future. The project will safely generate enough clean, emission free electricity to power 80,000 NY households.  

As a responsible company that champions low carbon growth, we also consider the environment where we work and live. For example, we added several biodiversity and environmental features with our Arnprior Solar Project such as monarch butterfly conservation project, a bee and honey project, and a natural weed abatement pilot project. Further, the proposed facility will be a beneficial addition to the State’s electric generation capacity by advancing the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) and 2015 State Energy Plan (SEP) objectives and will contribute toward achieving the following clean energy and climate targets of the SEP and CLCPA goals: 

  • 70% electricity generation from renewable energy resources by 2030  
    • The Facility will provide 350 MW of solar capacity; will safely generate enough clean, renewable electricity to power 80,000 New York households; and will contribute directly to the goals of 70% electricity generation from renewable energy resources by 2030.  
    • NYSERDA has assumed that 9,977 to 11,767 MW of utility-scale solar capacity will be needed in combination with other renewables to meet the 70 by 30 goal. The Facility and many other projects like it will play an important role in achieving that goal. 
  • 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040  
    • As a source of renewable, carbon-free electricity to be installed before 2030, the Facility will contribute directly to the goals of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040. 
  • Reduction in GHG emissions 
    • By replacing fossil fuel generation of electricity, the Facility will contribute toward GHG emissions reduction goals of 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050. 
  • The Facility will be consistent with New York’s energy planning objectives 
    • Including reliability, fuel diversity, regional requirements for transmission capacity, and transmission